GSoC ’14: Week 3 – import gvpy

jythonOne week more developing for Google Summer of Code.

Website: [gvpy project] on Github


Now, you could start trying my new library,i will show you how now:


How install gvpy?

  1. Download
  2. Move to this directory for Windows: C:\Users\[your name]\gvSIG\plugins\\lib
  3. Open gvSIG 2 Desktop, and go to Scripting Composer or Jython Console.
  4. Write before your scripts: import gvpy

There are some bugs, but i will fix them next week. You could try commands like:

geoprocessSearch(» «)
r = geoprocess(…) #You can find with geoprocessHelp() with parameters do you need

r = geoprocess(«perturbatepointslayer», LAYER = gvsig.currentLayer(),MEAN = 10, STDDEV = 10 )


addFeature(), addField(), removeField()….

1. What did you get done this week?

After few days trying and doing some test, i decided give one step back, check again info about gvSIG, SEXTANTE, and how python manage classes.


2. What do you plan on doing next week?

I will start fixing some bugs from last week. I will try to make one stable library, that works perfectly with simples algorithms


3. Are you blocked on anything?

Thats why i decidad give one step back, now i have things more clear.


[Spanish post]


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